This chapter shows a brief listing of the most used course abbreviations and acronyms. Most of them are universally used in other web sites and books, even when regarding other methods.
P = Price
S = Support
R = Resistance
RET = RETracement
RT = ReTest
M = Monthly
W = Weekly
D = Daily
TL = Trend Line
PB = Pin Bar (not necessarily the canon James16 pin bar)
IPB = Inverse Pin Bar
BEOB / BUOB = BEarish Outside Bar / BUllish Outside Bar
DBHLC / DBLHC = Double Bar High Lower Close / Double Bar Low Higher Close
TBH / TBH = Double Bar High / Double Bar Low
IB = Inside Bar
RM = Range Market
DT = Double Top
DB = Double Bottom
H&S = Head and Shoulders
NCA = Not Closed Above
NCB = Not Closed Below
PA = Price Action
TF = Time Frame
(B)RN = (Big) Round Number
Fibo = Fibonacci
CT = Counter Trend
MM = Money Management
TT = Touch Trade
TP = Take Profit
SL = Stop Loss
TG = Target
BE = Break Even
WPD = What Price Does
WPG = Where Price Goes
PTT = Plan The Trade
TTP = Trade The Plan
O = Open
C = Close
SW = Swing
HH = Higher High (swing)
HL = Higher Low (swing)
LH = Lower High (swing)
LL = Lower Low (swing)
WPD + WPG method = the trading method covered by this course
PAM = Price Action Method = variation of the trading method used to trade BRNs
DM = Daily Method = variation of the trading method used to trade on shorter term, from S to R and vice versa
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