Advanced trading, investments, secondary markets, meta game
Investing For Beginners: an conversational and smooth introduction to some of the real world alike features that few games are able to support. This guide lists the various investment kinds and their inherent dangers.
Should I invest? The Definitive Guide To Avoiding Scams In Eve Online: a conversational and very extensive document introducing to EvE investments beginning from the background and detailing a lot of investments / collateral holding related information.
Defined Stock and Bond models for the EVE Market: describes the EvE Online bonds and stocks.
Official IPO Template – Submitted for Peer Review: another, less common kind of EvE Online investment are Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). This document provides for a template, aimed at creating easy to read and well formed IPO prospectuses.
An IPO Guide: this guide shows how to start a succesful IPO and how to deal with difficulties, shares, shareholders.
Guide to trust, reputation, and getting funding: one of the hardest achievements in a game supporting scamming with no consequences is to be able and convince investors to fund your investment. This article lists a number of advices about how to increase your chances of success.
Guide: How to grind MD reputation like a pro : a really, really ironic approach to the “getting trust from investors” challenge, by Vaerah Vahrokha.
Audits 101: this thread explains what EvE audits are and who are the Auditors.
Examples of EvE Online audit by Vaerah Vahrokha : this is how an audit appears on the EvE Online forums. Here is the Public Audits Records (PAR) archive, where many more examples may be found. This is the PAR enhanced version of the audit linked above.
Insurance and collateral holding
Insurance and collateral holding: Vaerah Vahrokha is one of the active Auditors, Insurance Appraisers and Issuers, 3rd Party Services and Collateral Holders. She produced a number of documents related to EvE financial insurance and collateral appraisal / holding.
This is a simplified sample insurance contract issued to secure a small bond. It became a template for future contacts, available at this location
This is a full blown appraisal and collateral holding contract that may be used as template by future insurance issuers. It includes multiple collateral quality and value appraisal criteria.
This bond is the above appraisal and collateral holding contract put into practice.
Advanced trading
Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE, ~1~ : still in an unfinished state and ideal prosecution of the above, it’s the bridge closing the gap between EvE Online swing trading and real life swing trading. It comes with some videos and a series of examples.