This is the Public Investments Archive index. All the investments registered with VEMEX are located here.
It is also possible to search for a specific investment given its NEISIN code or other criteria as follows:
- Have the NEISIN code for the desired investment or audit ready.
- Enter such code in the web site search box. The available search options are listed below.
- Records fulfilling the search criteria will be shown in this central area of the web site.
- The results also contain a link to the original investment Market Discussion forum thread.
Available search criteria:
- Partial names or codes are supported, so it is possible to find every investment made by a certain corporation or a particular type of investment issued by a certain corporation.
- It’s possible to search by NEISIN code or a part of it.
- If the NEISIN code is not known, it is possible to search by investment publication date (on the EvE forums), by using a YYYY-MM-DD date format.
- It’s also possible to search by Investee / manager / proponent name. The list of all the matching investments will be shown.
- By prepending “investment-” to the NEISIN, only investments will be shown. Audits and anything else won’t appear.
This is an archive. It might be not updated to the latest investment prospectus version and it has no forcible obligation on the investment proponent. The only official version remains the one hosted on the EvE® Online forums.